Crispin Rosales- Shy with roots! HELP!
I've had Blc. Mem. Crispin Rosales "Carmela" AM/AOS for many years. It was growing and blooming just fine, but really not putting out more than one or two roots per growth, that maybe grew to an inch long.
After time, this took its toll on the plant and it has declined to three small growths. I can't figure out why it is so reluctant to put out good roots. I have tried various mixes, pot styles, mounting... can't figure it out! All of my other catts grow roots like crazy!
The remaining piece of the plant is very healthy. I removed it from its mount yesterday (to which it never took!) and put it in a small black pot with some plain old bark and charcoal. The plant is packed in, and staked so that it doesn't move.
Has anybody had this problem with old-fashioned unifoliates before???? Any tips or tricks to coax out a healthy root system?????????