Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa
So some don't? This is my first one so I have no idea.
They are known for being reflexed...some more than others. But, I have seen a few that are flatter and...to my eyes...the flatter ones (like yours) are much nicer.
I've never seen a totally flat one though...I don't think it's likely w/this species.
Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa
You have 2 of them or you are having a second bud on yours? If this one is going to do well I may have to get the regular color one. I just love the ridges in the lip I had not caught that in the pictures I had seen.
Sorry for the confusion. I have only one plant but it's the second one I've had because I killed the first one. And this one has 2 buds this first blooming. It's growing beautifully and happily filling a 4" pot...but the actual flower, well, for me, it leaves something to be desired. Being a first bloom, I'll give it some more time to see if it improves.
And yes, the ridges on the lip are awesome...as is the color in these coeruleas.
You're growing it very well so I say go for the regular color. If I come across one somewhere...I'll be grabbing it up. I'm hell-bent on getting one (at least one!) that doesn't curl back so much.