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The American Orchid Society. You can bring a division of this to judge but since it's already has an FCC (if it's Cashen's), they won't award it unless it has many flowers (for cultural award of trianaes, you will need about 5-7 bulbs in bloom, each carrying 2-3 flowers, totalling 20+ flowers). However if an identity is what you seek, a division with a few flowers is enough to ascertain what it 'can' be. Again, you might walk away without an ID as most judges may not stake their names on unsureties.
I would divide and repot the when you see new roots coming out of the new growths (when they are 1-2 mm, not cm! long). That way they will grow roots into the new medium and establish faster.
If you decide to divide I would try to divide them 4 bulbs minimum if possible plus new growth. You can get away with 3 bulbs too but plant may not have enough strength to bloom in the next cycle in February.
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