species from Brazil and Paraguay
Perpetually in bloom!
This one, in a 4" pot, has 25 spikes, plus a couple of keikis with spikes.
I posted this one in November, with 18 spikes at the time.
Epidendrum ellipticum Those spikes are still blooming, plus 7 more! (as well as the two keiki spkes)
This has been
very temperature tolerant, is very happy with sun for much of the day in summer (could probably take sun all day). It grows outdoors year-round here in zone 9, sheltered from frost, freeze, cold night rain in winter. This winter, due to the unfortunate lack of rain here, I was able to leave it in a spot that gets more sun than it would have gotten otherwise, so it only just slightly slowed down in blooming.
The tallest cane is about 12" -I forgot to measure the spike length - some, that have already been blooming a while, are quite long, altho, some stop blooming from the tip after a while, but then start budding up from the node just beneath where the first buds appeared.
Blooms are about 1/2".
Thanks for looking