This was one of my long-sought orchids. I got it from Ben Oliveros at Orchid Eros. I had asked him if he had one and he said he didn't think so, but would bring it to the Hilo show if he found one. Boy, did he ever! Large plant, two spikes and 2 flowers per spike. I just love the pink color on the lip. It just opened today. I highly recommend his plants. They are always very healthy and he has some great stuff.
Also at the end is Ports of Paradise "Emerald Isle." Got this one as a compot seedling at our orchid club in early 2013. This is its first bloom. 2 flowers. Also just opened today.
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Jo Beth E, on Flickr
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Jo Beth E, on Flickr
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Jo Beth E, on Flickr
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Jo Beth E, on Flickr