I only breed, if I believe that there is a worthwhile result possible. I do not normally breed Cattleyas, but I have two plants in bloom, which are tempting me.
Neither plant is quite award quality, but both have two traits, which I see as a 'plus':
- A long stem holding flowers well above foliage
Up to 6 flowers (abt 3" across) on each stem.
and also one that I see as a 'minus':
- The stem needs staking, otherwise the weight of the flowers cause it to bend over.
The candidates are both seed grown plants:
Rhyncattleanthe Martha's Sunburst (lip might be a little pale)
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Toshie's Magic (I bought this plant because of the dark yellow flower and the incredibly dark lip)
So, what do the Cattleya growers think?