Good Evening,
This could be a long, and emotional story. Have tissues at hand...
I went to my annual orchid show this year, and had thought about the purchase of a coccinea... they tend to be very expensive so I was going to see what the prices were before getting my hopes up.
There is always a vendor there that has one... and only one. It also always sells within the first few minutes of the door opening... something about crazy orchid enthusiasts such as myself

Anyway, I got there, an HOUR early before the doors were even open. When I finally got into the show, there, lo and behold, was the hallowed coccinea, not one, but two. The price was right, but the vendors weren't there yet so I decided to make a quick trip around the loop. Well, by the time I made a five minute loop to wait for the vendor, one other shopper had one in his hand to hold it for buying... and a vendor at the next table put the other one "aside" for themselves... all without having the vendor selling them present. Needless to say, I was hopping mad and disappointed... All of this transpired without the seller even present, and I had waited a year to get one at the show. Had I known it was acceptable in america to "reserve" items for sale without a merchant present, I would have done so.
I decided I want to get a coccinea, and have never had such an issue trying to find a species! I have emailed everyone that sells them (that I know of)... and no one has gotten back to me.... even the seller at the show has not answered a call or email.
At this point my will is broken lol! Anyone have an ace in the hole to find one of these illusive plants? As you guys can understand, after you set your mind on an orchid, neither wind, sleet, snow nor hail will stop us!
Thanks for listening, and for your vendor lists