Some of my Cattleya alliance species that have bloomed over the past few months.
Brassavola retusa – a cute little plant. This is only it’s 2nd blooms so not a lot of flowers but it grows out in all directions so in a few years it should be a wonderful little clump of blooms.
Brassavola cebolleta - awful glare in the first pic but it gives a good idea of the growth habit
C walkeriana semi-alba – one of my favorites and this particular walkeriana blooms longer than any of my others. This one typically lasts a month (give or take). Wonderful fragrance!
C maxima ‘Thunder Mountain’
C maxima alba 'Koningen Sylva' SM/DOG – another maxima…I love this species so much that I have 6 or 7 varieties. This one has been more difficult to bloom than any of the others. I got the division back on ’09 and it’s grown beautifully but this is it’s first bloom. I do believe it was worth the wait.
Another C maxima ‘Priscilla’ x ‘Daniella’ - a first bloom on this clone.
Laelia anceps var veitchiana – a first bloom for me on this one.
Laelia autumnalis
Cattleya perrinii semi-alba (formerly Laelia) - love the shape of perrinii! Very large flowers. This is another species where I have several varieties because I do love them so much.

Cattleya perrinii ‘Big Bugga’ AM/AOS
Cattleya jenmanii
Cattleya labiata v rubra ‘Shuller’ x C labiata v rubra ‘Ching Hua’
Cattleya labiata coerulea ‘Natural World’ AM/AOS x self
Cattleya dolosa coerulea
Cattleya jongheana – this one bloomed much earlier last got lost on my phone. Too gorgeous to be forgotten so better late than never.
Prosthechea vitellina (formerly Encyclia)
Super long lived blooms…it started blooming in Sept and did not finish until last January.
Sophronitelia (Isabelia) violacea

---------- Post added at 07:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 AM ----------
Almost forgot ---
Sobralia decora ‘Everglades’ – a small sobralia…likely won’t ever be more than 15”-18” tall.