Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a while. Here is an update. My chids are currently living in the conservatory at my school (perks of having a green thumb and helping out with the collection)
First two pictures are my Blc. Rustic Spots that I have had forever from Paramount orchids in Alberta. Most probably know but it opens reddish then fades to orange and then almost yellow before dropping. There was a seperate mericlone in the pot with this one when I bought it. It doesn't flower as often as this one but has little spots and opens much darker red (see my profile pic). I find the richness of the red also depends on the temperature for this one too.
The next three I got as seedlings from Clouds Orchids in Niagra, ON and they have grown beautifully. So rewarding to see them bloom, I made another order from them this year of various mini catts and a C. Bactia, I would highly recommend.
Second is Blc. Little Mermaid 'Janet'. This is the second bloom for this one with four growths blooming but not all at once (awarded clone, cant remember award
Third is B. Little stars second blooming with 4 growths blooming this round.
Third is Lc. Tokyo Magic 'kitty' first bloom and another growth point is going to bloom soon. Blooms didn't last long on this one. Does anyone have thoughts on this or a similar experience with this hybrid?
First time I have had multiple catts blooming at once so I am trying my hand at hybridizing. I crossed the Little mermaid with both little stars and rustic spots. Flasking will happen late this winter