Originally Posted by lotis146
That's a cutey. As I've said before I have this plant but mine still hasn't bloomed although it has put out quite a few growths. It is due for a repot right about now which I'll do if there's still new growth. I'm sure I've asked you this before but how do you care for yours? I hope mine blooms soon and we can compare!
When you say it doesn't smell good in the evenings do you mean it smells 'bad' or the scent dissipates? If the latter I've also found this to be true of all my fragrant orchids that have bloomed. Some have no scent come nightfall while others are really faint. The Catt I posted a pic of today fades later in the day after being strong in morning and afternoon.
Thanks for sharing all your lovelies! 
Your so welcome and thank You for looking. At night it had a faint kind of bad smell. Not so bad as you couldn't stand it but it did smell some. The Brassy Gold doesn't smell at night this one did. Strange to me.
I take care of it just the same as my other Catts. I try to get it in as much sun as possible. I give fert when I can and also kelpMax. I am not regular at all. It is in a 3 1/2 inch pot and I have to water it every other day. It should have had another bud on a different growth but it dried up because it was not getting watered every day or every other at times.
I just have to water my smaller plants allot because of how dry it is here. At least that's what I think it is as it seems like I water mine more than allot of people unless they are where it is very hot.
This little plant is a very good growing one and has many growths. If I can keep it going it should put on quiet a show next time.