This is a recent acquisition (May 2015, from Bela Vista). That's why it is flowering out of season (still in Brazillian season)!
I haven't had a big flower Cattleya species for a long time. But this flower reminded me about the excitement from my highschool era (30 years ago). My parents had a few Cattleyas which never flowered (among hundreds of Cymbidium). I read about the Cattleya care by myself, and decided to take care of them all by myself. And after a year, it rewarded me with a huge flower (the largest single flower I have ever seen at that time)!
It is interesting (but not surprising) that the flower is more of tipo even though the parents are paler colored forms. I'm guessing selfing of this would make some paler ones.
A bit more info at
my Orchid Borealis blog site.
Cattleya warneri amoena 'Dona Lena' x amesiana 'Memoria Roberto Kautsky' on Flickr
Cattleya warneri amoena 'Dona Lena' x amesiana 'Memoria Roberto Kautsky'; on Flickr