Originally Posted by NeofinetiaCanada2014
Would you mind sharing your fertilizing schedule for your cattleyas? Any tip is greatly welcomed! Thanks ahead for your time.
C. gigas , dowiana , hardyana.
My 20+ plants of C. dowiana , C. warscewiczii (C. gigas) and C. hardyana flower regularly every year , and the flowers get more breathtaking every year ... sooo , perhaps my regimen is not that bad ??
I use NUTRICOTE 18-6-8 , and I place a tea spoon flat-full near any new shoots when they are developing their (new) roots. The nutrients get released when water is being sprayed onto the compost.
My compost is broken charcoal , enriched with some organic stuff , in perforated plastic pot , hanging.

These Cattleya plants require a fresh breeze at (all) times and their roots must NOT be kept wet at all times !!
Temperature :: 28° / 18° (Degrees Celsius).
I do not divide these plants , they grow-grow-grow and the pots get perpetually bigger. (smile)