Originally Posted by brsucculents
Very nice. I have a Love Castle 'Kurenai' that is a deep red and very vigorous grower. (I'm kinda surprised that this is so pastel when my 'Kurenai' is so red.)
I'm amazed at your pots and roots also. They are incredibly clean and clear. Is it too cold in Canada for algae to grow? You're growing in pure bark too, huh Silken? How often do you water?
Thanks brsucculents. I guess the Ctt. Candy Tuft maybe gives it the lighter colour. Algae does grow outdoors on ponds and sloughs and even at the lake in summer. I do have some on my Phrags that are sitting in water and maybe on the odd Onc. that is in fine, fairly moist bark. But for Catts, I have none. They are growing indoors of course for winter and in summer it is plenty hot and sunny here. I usually re-pot my Catts every 2 or 3 years as they out grow the pots. And I let them get fairly close to dry before watering. Maybe that's why there is no algae.
I grow my Catt's in medium bark with nothing else usually. Sometimes some clay balls on the bottom if the pot seems a bit deep for the roots. I water 7 to 10 days in winter and every 5 to 7 days in summer.