I thought I had bought a couple of Epidendrums ...
...but, it turns out that I had only bought one.
A while back, I had bought several orchids from a greenhouse that was closing out its stock. Last Sunday I went back and bought a few more.
One was an Epidendrum [stamfordianum X Hokulea]
'Paradise Orange'.
I had seen these in bloom when I was there the 1st time. I now have one mounted in a tree. It will have a very bright red-orange flower.
Checking around, I think this is the same as an Epi. Hula Girl 'Paradise Orange'.
I ran across a second orchid whose foliage really struck my eye. I was a very dark green with an unusual look and shape to its leaves. It had some growing tips that looked to be elongating into inflorescences with an unusual look to them also.
It had a tag IDing it as Epi. Mabel Kanda 'Miyao' X Epi. psuedoepidendrum.
In trying to find out what its flower will look like, I find that there is no Epi. psuedoepidendrum. But there is an Epi. pseudepidendrum.
Then, I find that there is no Epi. Mabel Kanda 'Miyao'. But, there is an Epicyclia Mabel Kanda 'Miyao'.
To further muddy the water, the IOSPE does not list an Epicyclia genera.
I'm thinking it may have a greenish dorsal sepal and petals with a pinkish or light purplish lip and lower sepals. But, I do not actually know how it will turn out.
Is anyone familiar with this hybrid and able to help unravel this mystery for me?
I figured out why Epicyclia was not in the IOSPE.
Epy. Mable ... is a cross between Encyclia cordigera x Epidendrum paniculatum [or maybe Epi. floribundum]. Hence, Epicyclia.
Whoda thought?
Last edited by voyager; 01-16-2015 at 02:46 AM..