Can you imagine a greenhouse full of these plants?
One might just pass out intoxicated! lol
I became a fan after winning Brassavola Little Stars at an auction two years ago. It is in its second bloom. I bought nodosa this past January and it is also in bloom again.
I also have two other nodosa hybrids, all whitish flowers and beautiful! oh, wait, I do have a green hybrid as well.

They all smell oh, so nice!!!
I want yellow hybrid and a red one like Ruby Star, but red one is hard to find!
By the way, is grandiflora a separate species now?
I thought it was a variation of nodosa with a large flower and flat leaves??
Can anyone enlighten on this, please?
My nodosa has very flat leaves, but I don't know how the flower size compare since I only have one variety.
It is at least the double the size of my Little Stars flowers.