I'm admittedly (and shamefully) horrible about getting pics of the 'chids but I did manage to get some over the past few months so here they are. A couple of these are long done blooming while others are currently smelling up the house w/their wonderful fragrances. I actually have more winter bloomers so while I miss the sun and having the 'chids outside...it's great to have them inside when they are blooming.
C. jenmanii -- huge flowers and smells wonderful.
Another wonderfully fragrant catt -- also large flowers.
C labiata v rubra ‘Shuller’ x C labiata v rubra ‘Ching Hua’
And another labiata...I think I like this one even better. And another highly fragrant species...smells a little like grape candy to me. Sweet grape candy.
C labiata coerulea ‘Natural World’ AM/AOS x self
A little cutie -- Cattleya cernua (formerly Sophronitis) I don't grow this one as well as I'd like but each year it kicks out a few blooms so I keep on trying.
Epidendrum parkinsonianum (in the Catt alliance) Easy grower and bloomer for me! I should've gotten the pics a couple of weeks earlier when it had more flowers. Oh well. I give it basic catt culture...bright, lots of water but drains fast, intermediate temps. In the winter I water it maybe 2x a week. Not fussy at all.
Night fragrant!
One of my absolute favorite Catt hybrids...
C Calypso ‘Crestwood’ HCC/AOS
compact grower w/huge flowers and it lasts a very long time.
C fidelensis - I've had this one a few years and this is it's first bloom. LOVE it but I wish the spikes were a little sturdier. They tend to be sort of floppy so you either need to hang it or stake up the spikes so you can see the flowers. Still...gorgeous flower. No fragrance that I detected.
This is one that people either seem to love it or absolutely hate it...C araguaiensis
Me? I love it! Huge flower on a very small plant. I've heard it described as difficult to grow but I've had no trouble {knocks on wood]. I give it typical catt culture but I do have it in a basket so the roots dry quickly.
Another awesome species...C violacea and my pics are pretty darn close to the true color on this one. AMAZING color and I love the presentation of the flowers. Another fairly compact plant...great size for under lights.
Rlc Green Dawn -- highly fragrant, waxy blooms that don't last a very long time but an easy grower and bloomer. HUGE flowers. Primary between Ryncholaelia glauca and C granulosa.
Prosthechea mariae (formerly Encyclia) Another first time bloomer for me. Great plant!