Thanks guys!
Weederwoman -- the humidity in Central Ohio swings wildly in the summer...from single digits up to sauna status and I never really worry about it. When it's really hot and dry I just know that I need to sometimes add an extra watering in late in the day.
I know, I know...I heard the gasps...water late in the day? Oh NO! But, yes, I water late in the day sometimes. Especially if it's in the 90's. It's actually better for most plants because they then have the evening to absorb the water through their roots. So, yea, if it's super hot and dry I do water 2x in a day...especially the mounts. Even the potted orchids are set up in very open and airy mediums so they dry out very fast when it's 90 and the humidity is...uh...2%. LOL! If it's very dry the leaves and whatnot typically dry on their own before night fall but I do tip phals a bit to allow any extreme excess to drain out.
By watering later in the day it's not all evaporating away before the plant can absorb some of it.
On the flip side of that we also get times of extreme humidity and it can be nearly 2 days before some of the mounts even dry. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it... I worry more about our times of rain for days and/or the extreme humidity than I do the arid days.
Anyway...lower humidity isn't that big of a deal for most orchids and you can easily adjust your watering habits to deal with it.
Thanks again for all the comments, everyone.