With the plant your division came from being approximately 40+ years out of the 49 since it was first awarded, I would say that there is a very good possibility that the plant you have is a division from an original DW. Now whether or not that plant was a mericlone or not.....any ones guess.
There were 3 DWs awarded in the 60's early 70's. It was first awarded in 1965 in OK and again in 1972 in Fl and another in 1974 in TX. There is no info in Orchid Wiz concerning size for 1965 but of note is the 1972 award which notes that the NS was 11.9 wide compared to the DW awarded in 74 at NS 9.5 wide. Perhaps yours comes from the 1972 awarded plant?? Others awarded since were 9.3 (1976 in FL.) & 9.4 (2008 in NC.).
As isurus79 pointed out it could be a 4N too due to conversion in mericloning. If you had it counted you'd know for sure, if your so inclined.
Last edited by sweetjblue; 10-12-2014 at 02:34 PM..