B. nodosa
B. cucullata
B. tuberculata (syn. fragrans)
B. subulifolia
B. perrinii
B. flagellaris
I just startet last spring, trying different mounts (corc, treefern plates, epiweb)
They all hung in a Tree from Mai to September. Full sun from 8-12
We had a very cold and wet summer with some rainy nights under 15C so I had some problems with rotten new growths :-(
Most problem are tuberculata and subulifolia. The others are doing quite well.
8 new growths on nodosa and 4 on perrinii. (On treefern/corc)
No flowers so far, but the plants were all babies when I got them.
When not raining, I spray them with 200ppm and shower with the hose after .
I'm thinking about buying a led light panel (with red/blue/UV) and hang the mounts in the basement (70% humidity) during the winter months.
My vendor told me, he is not giving a dry winter rest to brassavolas.
So maybe I'm trying that out too.
There is very little care information about brassavolas except the nodosa.
But there must be differences in caring the other species.
Good to have other Brassavola-lovers here in the forum to ask.
So keep on posting your experiences here. Good and bad
Greetings from Switzerland.