Originally Posted by lotis146
When you say stronger light do you mean brighter, longer exposure or both?
I'm not trying to speak for others, just IMO. Both brighter (less shading) and longer exposure, but any change should be made GRADUALLY.
An anecdote (not related to a Cattleya) on gradual adjustment of light, I have an outdoor bench that is somewhat crowded now. I have a Phal. Wild Turkey that I recently noticed was looking a little yellow in the leaf; not sickly, just yellow green. Otherwise, the plant looks great. I accidentally viewed the plant from above at noon, found out that a gap in my shading, and an accidental shift of the plant on the bench, was allowing that Phal to get direct sun on that leaf at noon! In Georgia, longest daylight of the year, temperatures in mid-90s F! Since it happened gradually, the plant seems to have adapted to it (but I would not recommend this to anyone). It is producing a nice spike right now, either due to, or in spite of, the extra light.