Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit
Hmm... mine hasn't bloomed on every new growth, but has bloomed three times since I got it two years ago. The first re-bloom was probably about a year after I got utmost. Hope yours blooms soon!
I remember seeing your older photos of this plant.
Yours somehow have huge flowers compared to my plant.
Anyways, I think I kept it too dry. Someone told me this cattleya hybrids like to stay moist, so since then I tried to keep it more moist. The newest growth responded well I think with its size, the biggest of them all! but no sheath. It's lucky it is small, otherwise I would have tossed it waaay earlier.
I had the same problem with one big cattleya hybrid. bought in bloom, so apparently it is a blooming size. It was probably the best growing thing of any kind I've ever had! well, that thing just grew like crazy without making a sheath for about two years. I finally chucked it.