Since I brought them up in another thread, I figured I'd post pics of a couple of Leptotes bicolor that I have scattered around. I have them in pots, mounted,in areas with normal (dry) humidity and in almost cloud forest conditions. I got them all together about 4 months ago from
Exotic Orchids of Maui. So anyway here are four pics, sorry for the low quality. #1 is grown mounted at the top of a humid paludarium, about 3" below a 2 x 39W T5HO fixture running "standard" reef lighting, a 6500K tube and a blue actinic. It grows the fastest and is the only one with the red spotting. #2 is mounted at the top of the same paludarium, about 5" away from another similar fixture, but with a "standard" freshwater setup, a pink appearing "grow" tube and a 10,000K tube. All tubes in both fixtures on this tank were brand new and installed together. #3 is growing potted in my living room, dry air, in a 1 ft square area lit by 2 9W 6500K LED floodlights. #4, which is looking to produce the most flowers is mounted on a piece of Mopani set atop a 75 gal aquarium, right next to the stand where the plant in pic#3 is. It receives moderately bright light from LED lighting.