From my forthcoming huge list of fragrant orchid:
- mossiae : very strong, sweet
garlic (one report) (not sure it's legit)
floral-make up powder (2 reports)
- maxima : very strong, sweet
heliotrope-sweet pea (1 report)
- iricolor : medium to strong
green olive
- jenmanii :
Floral (in fact I've had the details from this thread, thanks all)
Others of interest perfumed based:
(note, no judgement on form/colors)(and anyway, I don't like catts so…)
- aurea : medium, lemon
- bicolor : strong, lemon-carnation but irregular scentwise
- bicolor Spicy-floral-rose
- chlorochilon : jasmine (no more details)
- dowiana : citron-soapy-tart
- guttata var. leopoldii : lilac
- intermedia : strong floral irregular
- labiata all forms : very strong, floral
- labiata f. rubra : floral like Angraecum sesquipedale
- loddigesii : jasmine-spicy/milk chocolate (one report each)
- luddemaniana : almost all floral
- leddemaniana f. coerulea : medium, nutmeg
- purpurata : licorice-spicy
- purpurata var carnea : bergamot
- schilleriana : strong, honey
- trianae : Ipé wood or floral, depending of undescribed forms, all sweet.
- triavaci : cinnamon
- walkeriana : Cinnamon-vanilla/lemongrass
- warscewiczii : jasmine
And more on the hybrids… but I'm lazy for now
Hope this will help.
(and yes, I'm not joking about my list of fragrant orchids, this is just an appetizer, forget all other lists