Lovely flower. I have one sobralia plant from last 4 years but no bloom till today. I don't know what's wrong with her. Can you guide me about potting, light, water & food etc. for better result? Please help me.
Light about 50% in a shadehouse. Potting they don't seem fussy I just use an orchid bark that drains well but holds a bit of moisture. Not too course like Dendrobium mix. A bit finer grade bark. With watering I water much during the warmer months when they put on much growth. Less during the cooler winter months but I don't let it get dry. Sobralia also do not like to have their roots ripped apart so better off in the same pot for a long time. Takes them a while to recover if all the roots are damaged badly. Feeding I feed occasionally with all purpose miracle gro brand fertiliser during the warmer months. Not too concentrated though. What Sobralia species are you growing? macrantha?
Sorry friend, I don’t know her name. I purchased that plant from a rural collector and he had no idea about the orchid species. here I attach 2photographs of my Sobralia.