My Catt about to bloom - 2 spikes
This might go in the NOID forum when open. I want to say that this is something like Catt. Ocean Breeze or some such oceanic theme - coastal magic? I don't remember...
Anybody recognize this one? I really have no idea about even if its an inter-species hybrid...
Last edited by WeirdGuySeattle; 01-20-2014 at 07:09 PM..
Well it just has to be like orange or something. No I guess that would be sunset. Hummmmmmmmmm Ocean! No there are no blue ones, ok I give.
May be Cattleya 'Sea Breeze'...or LC. coerulea Eximia 'Sea God'? Got these names from Carter and Holmes site.
Hurry up buds....we want to see your colors!
I've had this orchid in my collection for 20 years - it went from apartment to apartment to my new house to my greenhouse. My dad had it probably since before I was born - so this guy has been around
He is bright orange with a red lip - not really frilly if I recall.. I think the name refers to the scent - it actually does smell like the ocean (a salty sea breeze - but I can't smell the algae and sea creatures - lol).
I just came here due to a comment and link on my post in Beginners. At what age (how old is the plant) to start giving you such nice shows of flowers? I don't mind cats because I can get them for less than many other orchids. I am only now becoming interested in them because I really love their leaves, but I would really like cats with much more flowers and a lot bigger p- bulb. I don't know why. I seem to remember seeing a catt type leaf on a big pseudobulb. Maybe it was a dream. You know how that is. Thanks.
Pics posted in original thread beginning. I am not sure how old this was when it first started blooming. My guess you can get a flower in first 5-6 years. A bloom like the one in this picture in 10-15 years (depending on growing conditions - this one has been in a greenhouse for 7 years.).