Went in to get a power drill and found this thing staring me in the face on the way in. I've been good! It's like four months since I bought an orchid, I was trying to save up for the expo next month.
When I walked up to it and found it had fragrance I was done for.
This shot is blurry but shows the color pretty accurately:
Closer up at home:
It's from Gubler Orchids and did indeed have a species tag-- but it only says Blc. Chia Lin on it. I have no idea what cultivar it may be.
I keep seeing Chia Lins described as "red", but when I saw it all I could think was PURPLE. The petals are a bit more magenta, but the lip is a really dark color that's almost blueish at the edges. There are yellow striatons in the throat alternating with near black.
Any idea which Chia Lin cultivar this might be?
And how much light should I be bombing this thing with? I have only one other Catt type, a mini Potinara rescued from Trader Joe's, and it's blooming now but I have a feeling those blooms came quick enough the plant might have initiated them before I bought it-- I don't know how much light a Potinara wants vs this much larger more Catty-looking Blc.
I have a north-facing window shelf under a pair of T5 bulbs right now, my phals are spitting out spikes like crazy but my Catasetum and Vandas are sulking, so maybe I need more supplemental light for Cattleya types?
Or should I stick it outside, even?? San Francisco is Zone 10 and all, although it's winter at the moment.