Unknown White Cattleya Hybrid - ideas on parentage?
This was my first orchid... about 30 years ago a college friend went to a meeting of the Long Beach orchid society and got this plant as prize, it was dying, she gave it to me and I have had it ever since. Was the only cattleya that bloomed regularly for me indoors, and then I found that when I kept it outdoors here in Southern California, it kept growing and blooming. Likely I will never know the name of this cultivar, but was wondering if anyone had ideas on the species that might have gone into this? C. labiata? C. percivaliana? Maybe L. purpurata? All I know is that it seems to be tolerant of temperatures here in So Cal, although it does seem to be happier and blooms more readily indoors, even in lower light levels.
Here are some blooms today, November 23, the plant was outdoors all year long except for the past three weeks or so.