Originally Posted by PaphMadMan
C. Porcia (C. Armstrongiae x C. bowringiana, Alexander 1927) and C. Portia (C. bowringiana x C. labiata, Veitch 1897) are different crosses. Similar because of the C. bowringiana parent in common.
To me, this looks like it is correctly identified as C. Porcia. With some C. loddigesii in its ancestry it tends to have a slightly narrower and more tubular lip than C. Portia.
And yes, both can be called Cattlianthe rather than Cattleya, for those of us who prefer to live in the current century with Guarianthe bowringiana.
Always a productive and easily grown plant, and delightful to see a classic well grown and still going strong.
Thanks for explaining.
3 month ago I was given a very old plant. She was labeled LC. Pocia 'Canizarro' FCC/AOS.
So I will call her Ctt. Porcia 'Cannizarro' FCC/AOS...
Unfortunately she is in bad shape. Hop to get her growing again.