10-17-2013 10:01 PM |
Originally Posted by tucker85
(Post 620427)
Tommy, I grow it in a basket because it's outdoors in South Florida where it rains almost every day during the summer. I use large chunks of cork that I cut off a cork slab with a hacksaw. Tree fern fiber chunks that I buy from an orchid supply store and large lava rock from the landscape section of Home Depot. The cork and tree fern seem to work much better than the lava rock.
Awesome Tucker, many thanks, this is exactly what I thought - tree fern chunks and cork chunks. I know your grow outside like me, I am in Miami, and actually you helped me pretty much not only keep my Cattleyas alive, but make them thrive! After I joined, I did read many of your threads and followed you tips - I have now all Cats out of the bark, either mounted on tree fern, or in hydroton pebbles! They are growing like crazy! But I want to place one into the wooden basket!!! I will drive to Broward Orchid Supplies this Saturday and get more tree fern chunks, I have some cork, and I will not use lava rocks - only tree fern and cork, I think it will be enough! Many thanks!!!