Merci, dounoharm. Very informative and helpful. I have never used a systemic. Is Bayer 3 in 1 an acceptable one?
I have mites and a rot issue to address in a couple others, in addition to the mealybugs in the newcomer. ...when it rains, it pours.
Originally Posted by Kailyn
"unwilling victims" -this made me laugh, I can so relate. I'm pretty sure my friends can't tell my orchids from my aloe but they make the appropriate ooo noises at least....
My victims also figured out how to oooh and ahhh. And they have a few stock phrases they use to bail them out and get back to their own lives. 'Cool', 'That's a beauty, Mom', 'Looks a lot like it did yesterday' and 'Please, not again' are common.