Originally Posted by WhiteRabbit
Nice finds!
(I fixed the thread title for you) 
I like them. Thank God for smartphones though. Now I can Google the tag at the store before I buy!
Thank you for fixing it lol. Sometimes my touchscreen likes to mess with me.
Originally Posted by MrHappyRotter
Those are much bigger and healthier "bag babies" than I've ever seen in my area. At the local spot here that carry them, they're usually in 2" pots, single growth (or maybe a few small ones). And most of the time they look like crap shortly after arriving.
Yours look nice, big and healthy. Probably even blooming sized.
I can't help much with the cattleya alliance plants & questions. I am also drawing a blank on what WLC stands for, but it doesn't look like it's part of the clonal name. Maybe it's for white with colored lip -- since the other plant clearly has a description about color. Perhaps there simply wasn't enough room on the walkeriana tag for anything but a coded color description?
Are they? Cool! I'm happy my first are large and healthy.
I really don't think the little one is blooming size, but the large one might be approaching that age. At least I hope.
The little one is in a 2" pot. Im happy it had lots of healthy growths.
I'm... comfortable enough with basic cattleya care. I've never rebloomed one, but the ones I have are growing roots and psuedobulbs like crazy. A few of them just finished off a new growth and I'm hoping for a sheath on some of them.
I'm just not sure what to do with such young orchids lol.
It just might. The generic label on the bag said "White cattleya with coloured lip" on it so it's a very strong possibility.
Im just extremely clueless about how this tag system works so I figured I'd ask.
Originally Posted by vjo
I think you have a couple very nice plants there! I think you will have fun watching them grow, it will take a while but well worth the wait....Jean
Thanks! I've found cattleyas really excite me with how they grow. So I think in really going to enjoy this too.
Originally Posted by GardenTheater
Wow, they look large and healthy. Not sure how to blooming. Enjoy!
They all looked like this, and I've never seen them before so I didn't really have an idea of what I should be looking for. I'm glad I can use these guys as a model for what I should look for. I shall!
Originally Posted by palm521
I do love mounting my cattleyas. So that shall be it's fate I think.
The other still looks to young to mount. It's so tiny!
Did gardentheater also buy one like this? How exciting.
I paid $13 for mine. Still haven't tried eBay yet. I've day
Originally Posted by FSUOrchids
Yeah the Walkeriana looks like a nice find...that's bigger than most bag babies I generally see.
I'm very excited for it... I'd love to find Walkeriana in other colours as well. Blue... I have a thing for "blue" orchids. Those purples make me swoon.
I'm really hoping the form on the walkeriana is nice.
Originally Posted by Mokeck
Now that's good luck! I live in Miami and the box stores here stink. I just lost a semi-alba C. walkeriana, and awarded clone that came as just a slip of a thing, and here you get this? Life isn't fair sometimes.  Good luck, the plant looks healthy.
Oh no! That's so sad! I hope one falls into your lap somtime soon.
Honestly this box store stinks too. I hardly ever shop for flowers or plants there. Their variety sucks.
I was very excited to see these though.
Thank you!
Originally Posted by SJF
great finds, check them for scale. Got some (not such great varieties with scale recently and a friend in a different state did too)
I remembered you and that post the moment I saw them!
I checked as well as I could in the store. But I couldn't see all that well.
They passed basic inspection the night I brought them home, but I put them in an isolated room anyhow until I can repot them and thoroughly check everything.
I'm considering giving everything a dip in pesticide as I buy them. As much as I dislike pesticides, the critters are sure hard to get rid of indoors. And I feel like a quick preventative step could save a lot of time
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