I am so thrilled.
This is my absolute favorite magenta colored large flowering cattleya I got in bud last fall.
It grew a new pb shortly after finishing the bloom, but with my lazy watering (I water everything so generously but with cattleya, I'm poor, don't know why), it didn't mature well. plus, the light wasn't good enough.
The leaf itself was nice and big, but the pb was no where near the previous one. and of course, there was no sheath, which didn't surprised me, although I was being very hopeful.
Well, I thought I would keep the plant anyway since I liked the flowers so much. Early summer, two very promising new shoots started. They were both very big even at such early stage. I was again being very hopeful with good reason this time.
Well, now I see a sheath poking out of the folded new leaf on one pb, and the other pb while not shown in the picture is also sending up a sheath.
Sooooo excited!!!!

Now I hope these will not end up one of those empty sheaths that produce nothing.