Laelia tenebrosa in bloom, but have questions
I was pretty excited this year as my Laelia tenebrosa had 2 spikes and 5 buds in total. That was compared to its first bloom last year of 1 spike 1 bloom.
The spike with 3 buds opened first and I brought it into the house just as they were opening as we have had some really warm temps and the greenhouse was really hot and bright. Those buds were just a bid wavy whereas the other two looked different and were more rounded and darker colour. The first photo is of the 3 that opened first and you can see the remaining two buds on the right. I was not happy to see all the colour break on the petals and they didn't look very nice. Didn't even look like the same colour as last year's bloom (my avatar).
The other pics are the 2 that opened a day or two later. They look like they came from a different plant. The colour is different and there is no colour break.
I am ordering some virus test strips and going to test it. But I was wondering if others have seen that happen when the buds were in too much heat before opening. It seems by bringing it out of the heat into the house, the last two to open were much better.
Also these blooms only lasted a few days, even the 2nd spike. Very disappointing.
I wonder if this is just a poor plant, and do others who bloom tenebrosa get a longer bloom time? I've read that the blooms should last 2 to 3 weeks. I remember last year the flower was finished in a week also.
I'd sure like to hear from others who grow tenebrosas.
Last edited by silken; 07-07-2013 at 01:10 PM..