a Lueddemaniana without horns a real life story.
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Old 07-16-2013, 01:53 PM
GreenHill GreenHill is offline
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a Lueddemaniana without horns a real life story.

I don't want to get involved in a dispute based in the "expert" (palm 521) comments.

However, it is NOT TRUE that I defend to the death the plant characteristics as the plant "expert" (I don't know who You are) says.

Besides, I don't know where the plant "expert" saw the selfing and crosses made with the plant in question. Perhaps somebody else made them.

The ones I made never left my greenhouses, unless they followed the green ways. Nor I showed them to anybody.

You have to be very careful stating as certainties things that are not true.

Armando Mantellini
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Old 07-16-2013, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenHill View Post
I don't want to get involved in a dispute based in the "expert" (palm 521) comments.

However, it is NOT TRUE that I defend to the death the plant characteristics as the plant "expert" (I don't know who You are) says.

Besides, I don't know where the plant "expert" saw the selfing and crosses made with the plant in question. Perhaps somebody else made them.

The ones I made never left my greenhouses, unless they followed the green ways. Nor I showed them to anybody.

You have to be very careful stating as certainties things that are not true.

Armando Mantellini
Mr. Mantellini,
Its good to meet you! Just to be clear, you are saying that the 'Cerro Verde' clone of lueddemanniana is a pure species? I have also seen several debates about the purity of this one and I would love to hear your opinion!
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis

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Old 07-16-2013, 07:54 PM
GreenHill GreenHill is offline
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a Lueddemaniana without horns a real life story.

Dear Steve:

What I can tell You is that some C. lueddemanniana varieties have been found (in strictly specific C. lueddemanniana regions) that have very small or no horns at all. These varieties are very, very, very rare to find.
I think that here applies that all rules have its exceptions.
I was always very, very careful in not using breeding plants that were not of wild origin.
You could find some plants that were the result of natural crosses between lueddemanniana and mossiae (Gravesianas). Those plants were never used.
'Cerro Verde' came from the wild, and I doubt very much that there are warscewicziis growing in the wild in Venezuela.
Also elephants can fly.
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Old 07-17-2013, 01:39 AM
palm521 palm521 is offline
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a Lueddemaniana without horns a real life story. Male


lets start by saying I always had/have the outmost respect for the contribution you did, and the collection you had back in the days, maybe it just got even better! just to mention a few old outstanding classic clones : Lueddemaniana coerulia Mariauxi, C. percivaliana coerulia undine, and many other Exceptional Venezuelan cattleyas.

if you want to talk about the plant being a pure lueddemaniana or not you are more than welcome to do so in fact your presence here is very appreciated by me, after all it is a learning experience. and I do want to learn more, if i am proven otherwise meaning the plant is a true lueddemaniana, I will have no issues in admitting it and making sure that everyone knows that I did a mistake (it wont be the first or the last).,and I will go get a mericlone or two of it.

however marking me or anyone else as an "Expert" ironically in the way you just did , or simply trying to take down someone else credibility is unacceptable. please remember I am an orchid hobbyist, and have NO COMERCIAL interest at all, I gain nothing or loose nothing by expressing my opinions. feel free to attack the information given, not the person nor his credibility, even if I am not an "expert" please don't have any doubts in my capacity to talk about something that I spend many hundreds of hours reading , investigating, and growing.

now where the "Expert" as you called me, found most of the information ?

Please follow this link :


I am quite sure you will not dare to tell that Carlos keller is not an expert in the cattleya field, because he is.

For those who cant read Spanish scroll to latest message in the email thread, copy and paste the information at Google Translate = Enjoy.

I admit, i did spiced it up to make it as an anecdotal fun reading to the best of my ability, it is also true that I did not saw the seedlings flowering it in your greenhouse, it is also true that the core spirit of this thread was never to Attack Mr. Mantellini,

based on what carlos said there i believe you did talked to someone, or showed the promising results to someone who shared it with others, is Mr keller saying something that is not true? if so, where did he get the information ?

According to Mr Keller Story posted on 2007, you took a division of the Stanleyi clone, and took it back to Venezuela, and later on the flower was different than the Stanleyi who received an award from the RHS in 1901 and was presented by Stanleyi Ashton,...

based on the above , (part of what Keller said) , how can you tell the plant was taken from the wild? did you collect it yourself? or it came from someone else? (jones and Skully at orchidglade) there seems to be another "success" story at orchidglade with some C. Walkeriana Alba...(I need to find out what happened in that case)

there is plenty more to read about this clone, just keep looking and searching at google, I am quite sure you will have plenty to read about.

more story ? this one are facts,..

some many years back , was part of the judging group with Dr, Carlos Garcia Esquivel who was leading us at one orchid show sponsored by the SVCN , (learning!!) we were judging miniatures, I heard the discussion when cerro verde clone was not taken into account as a Specie since an important chunk of judges thought it was not a pure Lueddemaniana while the rest were completely silent, I was an EYE WITNESS. at least in one case. how many cases were there? , I don't know, but i can find out.

(carlos keller also confirmed in the link up there that plant was disqualified as species in some orchid shows he did not specified which one or how many)

I was also a good friend of Adolfo Alayon (who passed away a few years back, he was also a friend of yours, he said to me many years back , that he had his doubts about the cerro verde,, and that he was inclined to believe it was not pure. let me stress that , he was inclined, but never said anything conclusive.

many people at the SVCN (old orchid Society in Venezuela) , including some folks of los chorros I believe it was the yepez couple.) had their doubts, Others growers like Antonio Alvarado also voiced out his opinion at least once in front of me about the clone not being a pure lueddemaniana. he voice it out in one of the meetings at the SVCN in el marques..

I don't want to include other names (commercial grower opinions) in this discussion, as some of the information given to me at some point in time, was not publicly available. and cant do that unless I am allowed to do so.
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Old 07-17-2013, 08:07 PM
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Interesting debate. Has there ever been genetic tests done on the 'Cerro Verde' lueddemanniana?
Stephen Van Kampen-Lewis

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cerro, crossed, horns, lueddemaniana, seedlings, life, story, real

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