(apparently, with the reclassifications, this one is now just Cattleya Tropical Pointer)
I lost the tag for this one, and can't remember which cultivar ('Spots' ? 'Cheetah' ?)
Only the one bloom - this spike had two buds, but one died while still fairly small. But, perhaps because it only developed the one flower, it is a bigger flower than this has gotten previously - about 3 1/2" across. Of course, the growth the spike is on is also bigger than any previous ones - pbulb about 5" topped by 5" leaves.
very flat bloom. It has a faint, sweet, rose-like fragrance. I recall the fragrance being stronger (in the A.M.), but this has been sitting in an out of the way spot since it started opening, as we were having extreme heat, and this normally grows in a west facing window - so, I may just be missing it.
Potted in chc mix in a plastic pot, gets some mid-afternoon sun. It's been a pretty non-demanding plant.
Thanks for looking