These two are new members added this week to make up for the loss of my other plants.
Sea Breeze was bought in full blown buds and three flowers opened yesterday. Supposedly a very fragrant plant but nothing as of yet. I'll give more time.
I have seen some variation of the flower shapes, and I am satisfied with mine. I just wish the color was deeper.
The major issue is the dark dry marks on one of the flowers. hmmm
Overall, quite small plant with good sizes flowers. It has many pbs with signs of previous blooming.
The other plant is still in bud. There are five on one spike and I see spots are developing on all of them. some of them show part of red lip sticking out.
I am looking forward to finding out how spotted&waxy the flowers will be and what the fragrance will be like.
This plant is first time bloomer. I see seven much smaller pbs with no signs of flowering in the past.
I read this plant is able to make lots of flowers when mature. I'm happy with five for now.
sorry the picture came out too dark.