I have a catt whose tag reads Lc. Hwa Yuan Beauty 'Spice Girl'. That name is not in RHS registry, however, Rsc. Haw Yuan Beauty is. Is this the same plant? Is my tag wrong? I'm sooo confused!
Probably the correct tag would be "Blc" = Brassolaeliocattleya; so, with the (absurd and unjustifiable) changing in the names of the orchids, today RHS says "Rsc" = Rhychosophrocattleya, when:
Rhyncholaelia dygbiana = former Brassavola dygbiana
Sophronitis = former brazilian Laelias
Cattleya = Cattleya, for now (except Cattleya bowringiana, skinnerii, now "Guarianthe", Oh my!)
'Spice Girl' is only a clonal name