For the record, I got a tenebrosa last summer from a local hobbyist - grown outdoors year-round ... it spent last winter out doors with me, taking over night lows to at least mid-30s. Sheltered from rain, frost - put into uninsulated garage if there was a chance of freeze; I don't know if the garage makes any difference over just pushing things up against the house It has a so far empty sheath on it now.
For the record, I got a tenebrosa last summer from a local hobbyist - grown outdoors year-round ... it spent last winter out doors with me, taking over night lows to at least mid-30s. Sheltered from rain, frost - put into uninsulated garage if there was a chance of freeze; I don't know if the garage makes any difference over just pushing things up against the house It has a so far empty sheath on it now.
According to James it can withstand that cold of temps. He grows it outdoors in Northern San Diego. Last year I grew it coolish (when under 50 I moved it inside) and it flowered later.
This year it was grown it warm (above 60) and it flowered earlier.
I wouldn't loose hope.