I was walking around in a nursery in South Africa and came across these MASSIVE cattleya alliance plants (the plant on the picture is about 50 cm tall and that makes it my largest cattleya by far).
So much for running out of space in the greenhouse! There was just no way around the monster plants, and I had to at least have one.
It was a bit of a mixed table, many already in flower and others still developing sheaths. Many noids, and some with unreadable labels, some with more or less readable tags.
Most of the flowers I saw were some lueddemanniana look-alikes, and to be honest I'm not totally sold on that color scheme, even though the flowers are impressive.
So when I found a plant with the tag that I think/guessed/interpreted to say 'Blc.Duckitt Beauty x Lc.Trick or Treat, I grabbed it.
I had no idea how Duckitt Beauty looks, and internet searches have not made me wiser. (I suspect it is a South African hybrid from Duckitt nursery).
I did of course know Trick or Treat and was hoping the flowers would go towards peach/orange/red.
I've been crossing my fingers while the buds have been developing and it looks like it actually worked!