Originally Posted by tucker85
Beautiful! 'Why Not' has been such a hugely successful cross but I had no idea there was a yellow version. I would love to find one of those. Thanks for sharing.
This plant has a very interesting history. As I was told, the plant came from a selfing of a tetraploid Cattletonia (Ctna.) Why Not 'Roundabout' which is commonly dark red in color. More than 100,000 seedlings were produced that all looked alike--dark red. Out of that batch, one seedling came out yellow which is the only known yellow seedling ever to flower. Richard Takafuji felt that it was a gift from the gods and gave it a varietal name 'Makana Ke Akua' which translates in Hawaiian as 'Gift of Gods'. The yellow mother plant has since been selfed and all the seedlings came out yellow. Circulation of the yellow Cattletonia has been very limited. Richard gave a few away to friends but was never placed them on the market as far as I know.