According to the tag, this plant is a mericlone of Brassolaeliocattleya Pink Diamond 'Yenrudee' AM/CST.
I’m not a stickler to awards or titles so this flower will be just plain: Blc. Pink Diamond.
I got this a couple of years ago from a Florida grower on Ebay, who told me this was an import….
I give this hybrid orchid: Baker’s Cattleya culture.
The first time this bloomed it gave me one lovely bloom and this time: it gave me two larger flowers with vivid colors that have a slight scent of bananas and strawberries.

---------- Post added at 09:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------
*due to re-classification of names: 'Blc.' is now obsolete yet I will abide with my tag....[COLOR="Silver"]