Originally Posted by fotofashion
Wow! Am I the only exception here? Our HOS meeting was last night and I took 12 blooming plants. I have more to come within the next month or two. The display table was full of beautiful blooms that others brought. Including Paphs. vandas, an angraecum, etc. The winning hybrid was a huge Catt hybrid just covered with flowers. The species winner was a lovely B. nodosa.
My plants were mostly in the Cattleya alliance but I had a Dend. glomeratum. Is it your culture or location that keeps you all from having blooms this time of year?
Beverly A.
Beverly, I usually have about 8-10 orchids in blooms at a time with the exception of the hottest summer months. I currently in bloom:
- B. Grand Stars
- Eplc. Volcano Trick
- Slc Trudi and Red Marsh
- Dtps. Little Blue Bird 'Montclair'
- Vnra. Walnut Valley Lime Stars
- Den. Hamana Smile 'Early Bird'
- Den. Kingianum
I have 2 more that will open in the next couple of days:
- Mtssa. Shimonishi 'Woodlands' x Milt Woodlawn 'ruby'
- Den. Nora Tukunaga
With several more NOID Phals and Oncidiums in spike.
I don't have many Catts since most of mine are not yet blooming size or are recovering from my "great rot of 2011"
So I don't feel deprived at all, and there are several orchid shows in the vicinity in the next few months so I'm sure I will get a few more