(I posted this in the Adv. Discussion area also, as I had previously had some questions about the 4N varieties and had stated I would post when they bloomed; but they really belong here I guess!.)
Hi everyone!
Wanted to share the blooms I was blessed with at Christmas. They are still going strong! They are two 4N Sophronitis coccinea; as you can see there is a nickel in one pic. They bloom out about the size of a nickel and then start flattening out and expanding. The largest of the two has 3 blooms with two more in bud; the smaller has two blooms, one open, one in bud. When the blooms opened they were smaller than a nickel. Now the oldest bloom measures 2 inches across. Sorry about he poor color, but my camera never does justice on reds! The larger one is more orangey-red, but the smaller one is true scarlet! They really POP in the kitchen window. There is a couple of pics of them "in-situ" - they reside on a mat of damp sphagnum moss in a very poorly weatherproofed north window, right up against the cold window. In one pic I think you can make out an ice-cicle. They seem to love it.
Hope you like them!
I will be breeding them to themselves and each other. I hope to have seeds to flask someday!
Have a great season -
Happy New Year!

P.S. I should have pollen to share soon if someone is interested! PM me and we will talk! Steve-
P.S.S. - About the pic with the ice-cicle - Indianapolis got some snow - about 8-9 inches! Thought you would like to see a little winter.