Bob / Dave:
Thanks for the info - I have posted pics both here in the Cattleya section and in the Advances section. Post title is "Sophronitis coccinea 4N bloomed for Christmas". Also in Beginners section there is a post with different pics titled "Last of 2012 blooms".
It was a matter of time and development as the pics will show. I have flowers of various sizes, but one has reached 2 inches across and two others are still developing. In the first pic below you can see that it is striped - orange and scarlet; you don;t notice it with the naked eye, but there is something striking about the color. The other is a clear scarlet red.
I am very pleased with both of these and appreciate your input.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Here is a pic of it currently-
And here they both are in bloom-
--By the way - how long do your blooms last? I want to pollinate, but I am not sure of hte maturity of the blooms.