Encyclia randii var. rondoniensis
Encyclia randii is a Brazilian species from the west Amazon region. At first sight the flowers could be confused with Encyclia cordigera, but a close examination wipes out any possible doubt. Randii has smaller pseudobulbs than cordigera and, as well as the leaves, they are not clean green, being heavily flushed of purple, which gives the entire plant a dull green-purple color. On a well-grown, mature plant the flowers can be impressive and as large as 2.5”. Sepals and petals tend to be dark olive green contrasting intensely with the white, purple striped lip. They are perfumed too. Although so beautiful as it is, I guess it is not known, or, at least, often seen outside my country.
Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 09-20-2008 at 11:23 PM..