I had been in Hawaii just in time for the Sandy.
Anyway, while I was in Oahu, I decided to visit Kawamoto orchid nursery.
So many beautiful blooming orchids, but I decided not to buy any due my limited growing space.
Well, I walked around all over and ended up getting two cattleyas in bloom.
I almost got three, but one looked virused with streaks on the flowers and leaves, so I put it down. That one was very nice and fragrant. well, well...
The yellow one is BLC. Tainan Gold "Golden Sparrow" and the red one is SLC Cherry Suisse AM/AOS. Both are nicely scented. Cherry Suisse is very waxy and cute.
The last red one is the virus suspicious one that I had hard time putting down, but I managed to do so. POT Shingfong Lady. couldn't find anywhere on the internet. It was such a nice plant with great color and large bloom. Last three pictures are of this plant.
Bad thing is that these guys didn't travel well and all the flowers are withered now.
Good news is that both plants have new leads that are showing sheaths, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
and I took fairly nice pictures of these two while they were in their peak glory at the farm.