I am sorry to hear of your troubles with the eBay seller. It is odd she would open a case but if critter creek confirmed the viruses, I doubt you have any worries, as long as she was paid for the orchid. If she wasn't, well, unless she guarantees her plants to be virus free, all she likely needs to do is say that she was unaware of the virus, believed the plant to be healthy, and, well, depending on the amount of money, be careful. This why I always buy from places that have a solid reputation behind them. It just isn't worth the risk.
As for wanting her orchid back, many plant/orchid greenhouses do this. They like to test their own plants to make certain everything is legit and they aren't being cheated by false claims. If your vendor has no proof of virus, she might have her doubts (these tests do have a potential 5% failure rate when someone uses them who hasn't been trained by a pro on use and interpretation). If you want your money back, she naturally wants her plant back in good condition so if it does test negative, someone else would want it for a decent price. It would likely be different if you bought from her all the time and, after fifty good plants, you had a problem. Pet stores, by the way, always have you bring back the dead fish, rodents and birds for refunds and kennels have you bring notice from a certified vet so I see the logic here.