I got some flowers. 'Brassavola' Little Stars is a primary hybrid between the Central and South American species Brassavola nodosa, and the Jamaican native Brassavola cordata. I dont see many of these so I thought you might enjoy the flowers too .Most of them have opened and only 2 buds left to see the night. They smell faintly of baby powder to my nose. Very lightly scented not quite as strong as the nodosa parent. It has 3 more spikes growing up. I hope it doesnt get too cold outside before they mature. got down to 56 on my 'orchipatio'. I keep them dry as I can when it gets down low is all the help I can offer them for now.
you see the mesh wine bottle nets holding the long slender bulbs up nice and straight. Seems to help the angle of the dangle of the spikes IMO also
the flowers are hard to tell one from the other without the landing pad sized lips.
The plant is grown epiphytic as the roots eventually have grown out of the mix. Its just a mass of root ball. They dont seem to need mix when theres enough root to generate its own self sufficient system given proper humidity. That and the bright light to use the humidity is important to keeping the roots fresh on the outside.
Thanks for looking back to work on some more flowers..
I love orchids ..even when they dont bloom