Got this beauty from my new found friend and grower.....wonderful lady Nora! It will be full and more than in time for my birthday this month!
I can't believe this one opened so quickly. I have had it for only a month. It looks spectacular, it is still on the young side and it smells like oranges/citrus! How ironic no?
Thanks so much everyone! It really opened faster than I thought. the colour is really coming into its own; and the lip is outstanding. If this one remains fresh and healthy until Nov. 3rd I am going to carry it with me to the Jamaica Orchid Society to have it judged just for the heck of it.
For everyones info my birthday is Oct. 24th!
The colours have gotten a bit richer, and the scent is incredibly strong now. How long before this guy gives me dbl or triple blooms, and when he will start to send up several new keikis at a time to start expecting a nice array of blooms....
I got to be patient i guess!