Blc. Lawless Walkiire 'The Ultimate'
One of those large Cattleya flowers that you have to see live to appreciate. More than seven inches in diameter….The rich vivid color and the contrast of the venation in the lip are just breathtaking! It is a strong grower and flowers twice per year. I got this blooming sized plant from Kawamoto orchids a couple of years ago in bud and since then it provided me with gorgeous blooms.
It is in an east facing window by the kitchen. This orchid prefers night-time temperatures to be between 55° F – 65° F. Daytime temperatures can easily reach the low 90’s without a problem. Humidifier and a small oscillating electric fan….watering once or twice a week under normal conditions…..water more when it is hotter in the growing environment. Fertilizer weekly weakly alternating with seaweed mix and worm tea mix….
Potting is done every two years as you see new roots starting to emerge from the newest pseudoblulb(s.) I use a mixture of 4 parts coconut husk chips, 2 parts #4 Perlite, and 1 part Hydroton. Also I like clay pots as they will dry out a bit faster keeping the roots from staying too wet.